Frequently Asked Questions
Google Trusted Photographers are trained and certified by Google to ensure strict quality standards are maintained.
Yes. Feel free to embed the virtual tour on to your company website and share on social media networks, blogs, e mail and much more. Houston360Photo will help with this process.
Houston360Photo are experienced Google Trusted photographers specialized to take commercial quality panoramic photos of interior spaces. The photographers are also certified to take pictures using fisheye lenses and rotating camera heads. Creating the high resolution panoramas and virtual tour is a multistep process using professional photo applications and Google’s API to publish accurate content to Google’s servers.
Yes, your photos might be removed if they are found to violate the Google photo policy. Although all business images undergo quality review before being uploaded, some photos may still be reported as inappropriate and later removed.
Yes, if you see a major issue you can ask us to blur some areas in each of the panoramic images. You may also ask us to take down all panoramas. Please note that the blurring/removal process may take several days.
Google may use these images in other products and services in new ways that will make your business information more useful and accessible to users. For example, further integration with Google Maps will allow customers to find these images easily from the 360-degree Street View imagery of nearby roads for many locations.
No. Google Maps Street View technology requires uploading panoramic images to Google servers to create the 360 virtual tour. It is not possible to review the panoramas before they are uploaded to Google.
You must have the proper authority to grant Houston360Photo access to the business premises to take photographs and subsequently to allow Google to use those photographs in its products and services. People with this authority include the owner of the business or a director or manager with the authority to make those commitments on behalf of the business. Please note that by agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and the Google Terms of Service before your photo shoot, you are confirming that you have the authority to make that commitment.
Cost is based on the number of panoramas and the square footage area you wish to include in the virtual tour. Houston360Photo is available to answer questions and provide a no obligation consultation and estimate. The cost is very reasonable.
No, there is a one time fee for the 360 photography. Google will host the virtual tour indefinitely per Google’s terms of service.